Tax Debt

IRS and California tax agencies will continually add interest and penalties to unpaid tax debts, causing the amount to grow ever larger, and many times significantly surpass the original amount by few folds. These ever growing tax debts could seriously jeopardize the financial heath of individuals and businesses, damage your credit, and subject your assets and incomes to lien, levy, and garnishment.
 Fortunately, the IRS and other tax agencies offer few programs to assist those with unpaid tax debts to settle those debts and become current. For those who are unable to pay in full at once, the IRS offers a installment payment plan, subject to eligibility and IRS approval. There is also a hardship program that allows those facing severe financial hardship such as unemployment or no income, to make reduced or no payment at all in the short term. 

For those who are eligible, an “offer in compromise”[hyperlink to “offer in compromise” section], if approved and accepted by IRS, may even reduce your balance owed. In some cases the IRS will also reduce or remove penalties that have already been added. Please call us for details and eligibility for these programs.
Do you owe a tax debt to IRS or a California tax agency due to unpaid income tax, payroll tax, sales, business tax, or other taxes? Ignoring the tax debts will only cause it to get larger and  more burdensome. We are here to answer your questions and to help you find a solution through negotiation and cooperation with the IRS and the California tax agencies. Call us today to schedule a confidential consultation.
We have extensive experience helping individuals and businesses settle tax debts with the IRS and other tax agencies. We will analyze and review your case and present you with your options and strategies. We will represent and guide you through negotiation with the IRS to find and approve a final agreement and resolution for your tax debt. Please call us or stop by one of our convenient Los Angeles and Ventura county locations for your confidential consultation. 

Solving tax problems with the IRS, FTB, EDD & CDTFA